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How faith wins over despair in pandemics and in personal crises

Writer: Nam Sanpreet KaurNam Sanpreet Kaur

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

Today's yoga practice included a relaxation listening to the 11 repetitions of the 18th Pauri, (which is for our shadow side and can help with thoughts of self-hatred) and the meditation for 'Rough times ahead', from the Survival Kit manual.

Now, it is not only these kinds of meditations and kriyas that give the sense of prophesy in Yogi Bhajan's teachings. He talks of the coming times of insanity, of how stress is not going to decrease but rather become more common. He seems to have taught so fervently precisely because we need these technologies for this new age.

Yogi Bhajan taught about the Age of Aquarius, this new era of consciousness we are moving into, the Mayan's refer to the Fifth Sun and the newspapers to the IT era. Our teacher saw it coming, gave us a curve to watch for and gave us terms and techniques to integrate into our lives in order to thrive.

"In this time Piscean values are giving way to Aquarian values. The difference between the two is very simple. Piscean values work from the ego, creating boundaries. Aquarian values have no boundaries; they are Infinite. Aquarian consciousness takes you inside your soul, so that you can relate to the soul in all." Yogi Bhajan, 2003

When I read this, it brings up a lot. No boundaries? Hold on, I was just learning me some healthy boundaries and now I have to get used to having none again? Well, it is in these paradoxes that the kernels of awareness nestle. What I have learnt in yoga is that you have to let your higher self take over and guide you towards your True Limits. In asana, this means testing the limits of your body and of your negative mind, who tells you 'you can't do that!' Our boundaries, limits tend to melt in the presence of our Higher Self.

Today, during this human crisis, watch our boundaries melt under the pressure of something beyond our culture. There is literally no wall you can build to protect yourself from a living being so microscopic and undiscriminating. At a time when our Piscean leaders try to reinforce our borders, this virus swoops in and destroys the illusion of separation of nation states, religious beliefs, political parties and economic status. Piscean leaders that don't recognize that the destruction of the pyramid structures that they sit atop of has already begun, grapple with measures that no longer make sense and then crunch the numbers to see if they were right or wrong and if they have won or lost.

When the true win is faith over despair.

My own spiritual awakening came from complete despair and I can't see how it would have happened without that rock bottom. A similar shift may well happen for the materialists who dominate society now. Or we may have further to fall. While I'm grateful for pharmaceutical medications to numb my fall on the rocks, I am also grateful to have had the chance to develop other tools and practices that reverse the way I perceive myself and the world, from ego limitations to a new relationship the infinite part of myself.

It feels to me like now is a time in which we can go to those who have had major inner struggles and learn from them. As well as elders, who have seen so much, and as well as those who live among nature, who can still relate their lives to the cycles of the earth and not the statistics on a screen.

There is a strange kind of validation for me as someone who has lived with a depressive mindset. I feel better equipped to deal with this sense of 'everything is futile' and more at ease with the idea that a major amount of destruction is happening.

So I wonder about my counterparts in the land of OCD, surely they feel some kind of validation for scrubbing those hands now? Maybe we could all learn a lot from their meticulousness?

Those with chronic anxiety may be looking upon the rest of us who are flapping around with the sense of impending doom now all of sudden because of this virus and thinking, 'well now you know how I've been feeling all these years' and also 'here's what you can do about those feelings'.

The sufferers of these so-called psychological disorders may become our teachers during times of pandemic. There is a reason for their suffering and this might be a good time to stop ignoring or medicating or explaining it away. What about schizophrenics? What do their 'delusions' tell us about their evolution of our species? Perhaps we will never know, their stories and their experiences are mostly locked up.

I will continue to share the tools and techniques that I have learned through my inner crises so we as a community can come out of this outer crisis more integrated, more aware and perhaps more prepared for the new world order.



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